Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More, more, and more!

Silas is such a fun, good baby. He has the funniest looks, doesn't cry; unless he's hungry, in which case he screams! It's been so fun to get to know him these past two months, I already can't imagine my life without this little guy!!

He's a very messy eater, but sure does love it!

Pro sleeper, for sure!

He looooooves his binky! When he's getting tired we just wrap him up, pop his bink in his mouth and he's out in 5 minutes!

This is one of my favorite faces that he makes. It's not quite the full fledged cute mad/sadness, I'm still trying for a picture of that!

Baby yawns...

Monday, May 11, 2009


I finally accomplished most of the stuff that I wanted to, which means that I actually downloaded my camera software AND put pictures onto my computer! Here's a small sampling:

Silas on his 2 month birthday. He's sitting up and holding his head up all by himself here! 'Course he started tipping over right after this picture, haha.

Look at how long he is!!! 22 1/2 inches, thank you!

We had just both woken up, hence the glasses. Not too shabby though, especially for being self-taken!!

Look at those beautiful blues!

My best friend Cory came out for the week, so much fun! We were hot tubbing at our friend Morgan's place here. :)