Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today I'm thankful for...

This Thanksgiving I have a lot of things to be grateful for...

An amazing family who are all currently in beautiful Washington (jealous?! Nooooooo, not at ALL!)...

A wonderful mom and freakishly talented sister...

And MOST of all, this little guy who is the light of my life and makes me laugh every single day. And who also is currently residing in a dirty diaper and screaming for me to pay attention to him! Time to change him and then make these!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy talking talking, happy talk...

Last night Silas was talking up a storm! I managed to get two really cute videos of him without interrupting him, yesssssss! Here's some pictures from the last few days as well.
I just uploaded a ton of videos from my time here in California onto! My user name is renchdog03, or you can search the following tags: "Rencher, Newton, Silas, Ashlee, Poppie, Nana" and they should take you to the vidoes!

These next handfuls of pictures I took a day or two ago, Silas played in this little hallway by himself for like 15 minutes! At first I took him back to his little play area, but he just went right back to the hallway, so I let him be!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


For those of you who haven't seen Glee....GO TO AND CATCH UP! It's a great show and I am addicted! This last Saturday had a song from Wicked that I am now in love with! Listen, enjoy, and become a fellow Glee addict! :D

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Everything has been pretty good lately, except for the fact that Silas has decided to refuse all but a few bites of baby food and is being really moody! Last night he woke up at 3 for a bottle and refused to go back down for a good 45 minutes! I kept telling him that it was NOT play time, but he ignored me, haha. He's such a silly baby, I love having him around and hearing all the noises he makes and learning just how much he can get into EVERYTHING. I'm so grateful that I've been given the chance to be a Mom to this little boy and get to know all about him!
Here's a few picture from the last week or so! Enjoy!

(I don't know why this one turned out red, but it did...And I kinda like it!!!)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween and more

As usual, I have gotten WAY behind on posting pictures! What can I say, I'm really good at TAKING them, but horrible at actually posting them. Here's a ton from the past few weeks, enjoy!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

8 Months!

I'm going to rush and cram in a post before it gets too late - this might be my first monthly update on Silas that actually is on his month birthday!!

Silas is doing so great! He is now cruising along on hands and knees, and has figured how to pull himself up on almost everything - including mom and dad! He vocalizes a TON now, and manages to sing as high as he can most of the time. He has figured out a few word combinations, like ba-ba-ba and da-da-da, and I SWEAR he even said "hi" the other day! He also has learned how to wave, which is too adorable.

Food wise, he's been on solids 3x a day with bottles in between, and he has yet to meet a food he doesn't like! His favorites are Sweet Potatoes, Applesauce, Bananas, and any combination of fruits and/or veggies! He's been eating baby food meats (Sweet Potatoes and Chicken, etc) and looooooovvveeesss that! He wakes up less often at night, which is a real treat for me!

Silas finally "graduated" out of his bath swing-thing and is taking big-boy baths now, just in a few inches of water! I stay like an inch or two away from him, since we don't have any slip guards or whatever on the tub and I'm so worried he's going to hurt himself! He gets annoyed with me quite easily and is very good at pushing my hands away.