Saturday, November 19, 2011

All About Oliver!

Uly and I decided to combine our Christmas presents this year and splurge on a Nikon DSLR for us. We bought it last Tuesday and went up to L.A. to take it for a spin. I was planning on doing a post about our day, but the pictures of Oliver we got were just too cute, so instead I’m going to post an obscene amount of pictures of him and give you all a long overdue update! :)

Oliver is just over 2 1/2 years old now. He is always talking up a storm and has a pretty decent Spanish vocabulary as well as a lack of accent that his grandparents are proud of! He can say buenas días (good morning), buenas noches (good night), adios, hola, hasta luego (see you later), grande, pequeño (little), agua, and he knows some numbers and all of his colors in Spanish! He knows his colors in English, too, and can say his numbers up to ten in English but hasn’t quite got them in order yet. He knows lots of animal sounds including bird, puppy, kitty, pig, horse, chicken, goat/sheep, cow, and every once in a while you can get a hilarious attempt at an elephant out of him.

He loves anything with wheels, particularly cars and has a knack of finding cars that Mom and Dad had no idea where they were hiding. He loves the movie Cars and McQueen is his favorite character, of course. He still loves Dora the Explorer but his number one favorite these days is Little Einsteins. After watching it only a few days he can sing pretty much the whole song! I got it on video and will post it up here.

Oliver is fiercely independent and loves to do things himself. He loves to pick out what shirt he wants to wear that day and also loves to pick out his own shoes. We haven’t had to use Nemo safety harness for at least a month and we’re hoping that we will be able to be stroller free in a few months! Monday is the day we’re going to start our first serious attempt at potty training, so I’m sure there will be lots of updates in the next week or so!

Oliver is a whopping 39 inches and weighs about 40 pounds…I think. He looks like a 3 or 4 year old instead of a 2 1/2 year old, as always! He is such a happy, good, sweet, friendly kiddo and we are so blessed and lucky to have him in our lives!


His unruly hair. He got a haircut just a few days ago, you’ll see pictures soon!



These pictures are from the La Brea tar pits in Los Angeles, such a cool place!


You can’t quite see it but that statue says “Mejor Hijo”which means Best Son in Spanish. :)


Excited for his hot dog (that he didn’t eat) at the famous Pink’s Hot Dogs!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blasting through our Halloween!

Sorry for the horribly bad pun in the post title…I had to!

Halloween this year was so much fun. Uly had class early so we picked up his little brother Jake from school and went trick or treating downtown Redlands and at the Ontario Mills Mall. Oliver figured it out real quick and figured out even quicker that the cuter he was, the more candy he got!



Oliver’s rocket ship was a HUGE hit! Every few seconds we would hear “Oh, look at the rocket ship!” “He’s so cute!” “I love his costume!” which was too much fun. He loved all the attention!


His first of many stops!



Jessie and one of the Army Soldiers were around to say hi!


My sweet friend Mila and her adorable baby trick or treated with us for a bit. He was still in his “I don’t know you and I’m not sure about you” phase when I took this picture, haha!





Oliver started eating candy as soon as it hit his bucket and didn’t stop until we had to pry it from his fingers to put him in the carseat!









They shut down all of downtown!




The haul that Oliver got just after trick of treating downtown!


Our pumpkins!


Oliver and I checking out the decorations at our friend’s house.



We all know that Oliver inherited his grace – or lack thereof – from me so we were surprised when he managed to make it through Halloween with no peripherals in his costume and survived several tumbles without hurting himself. Literally the next morning…He shimmied himself right off the bed. Go figure!


We’re hoping for more sightings of our rocket man before he grows out of his costume. We’ll make sure to share any with you! Until then…

Rocket man out!