Tuesday, May 17, 2011

All is Well (Pictureless post)

Nothing much has really been going on here. Just the same old school and work routine. Oliver is getting so big and talking so much more every day! I love having conversations with him, even though they don't really get anywhere it's still adorable and brightens my day. He has a hard time with "s" and "r" so "Dora" comes out "Dowa", "Boots" comes out "Bootf" and "snake" is "nake". He LOVES Dora the Explorer and is starting to understand what she's saying more and more. He now will say "map!" and "backpack!"when Dora asks for help and the other day pointed at the stars on the tv and said "estrella" (Spanish for star). He can't quite get the "l" sound yet, but since estrella is pronounced "es-trey-a" it is easier for him. Too cute!
We're looking forward to a fun summer full of trips and beach days!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Oliver's Birthday

This guy...

turned 2 in March! We celebrated with frosting taste testing...

Lessons on how to be patient...

and lots of hugs and love!

His piñata was as tall as he was. It was awesome!

The boloches (party favors)

This is how interested Oliver was in the piñata! Once the candy came out, though, he sure got interested again!

Wait, why am I hitting this bear?

I TRIED to make him a bear cake. I learned that I'm not a great decorator!

Blowing out the candles!

Nana and Poppie Rencher bought Oliver the cutest push along motorcycle so I sat down and figured out how to put it together and he loves it!

We had so much fun celebrating his birthday! He is such a joy to have around and is such a good kiddo!

Oliver at 2 years (Well, 2 years and 2 months):
* He has a great vocabulary. He is starting to put sentences together and can understand SO much now, which is great!
* He LOVES water! There's a toddler "swimming" class at the community center during the summers so I'm going to try and enroll him this summer!
* He's turned into such a boy! He makes everything growl, even my hair when I'm playing with it. He loves cars and balls and one of his favorite things is wrestling with Uly while Mommy's at work.
* He's 37 inches, which is really tall for his age! We're hoping he continues to be tall for his age.
* He's started being a lot more lovey, and gives hugs, loves, and kisses when you ask for them.
* He knows how to "pound it" and gives high-5's, and Uly taught him to give wet willies, which they're both very proud of.

That's all I can think of for now! :)